Thursday, November 5, 2009

Interesting case about "NE sub-humans"

I decided to Post this as this is a never ending Story which few people care.....

Anonymous said...(Shiv Verma)

An open letter to North easterners, courageous enough to publish it here, please do so, if scared, don’t.

Oh, lets start by getting things straight, what is this? A Whining little chink from North east? What happened can’t get along with the realities of life in India?Basically, If you find it so difficult at handling the truth, you might as well as pack your bags and leave through one of the major airports in India in an international flight out. You do have the freedom.Lets start, over the last 60 years, our government has spend crores of rupees and thousands of lives of our brave soldiers on your ungrateful, dog eating, subhuman species that are infesting the north eastern corner of our nation. That money could have been well spend on our own people, our children, our education, throughout India instead on a bunch of whining slitty eyed gooks like you.North east was never meant to be a breeding ground for you, but a clearing ground for us, We already have to deal with Islamofacist nuts from Pakistan and our northern borders, the last thing our independent nation needed was communists from China and other dog eating crap flowing in from Myanmar becoming a threat. North east was meant to be a buffer zone for our people. We admit that. The biggest mistake our troops did was to let your people alive and breed there, what should have been done, was to clear that area out, and kick your dog eating chinki under developed, subhuman tribals into myanmar, or outright exterminate them. Extermination would have been a better solution.
This would have lead to a healthy and quiet buffer zone between Myanmar/China and India’s eastern frontier with Assam, where Hindus live

Sadly that didn’t happen, and hence over 60 years we had to deal with pests like you leeching on our government, our soldiers blood and our resources, that could have otherwise spend elsewhere throughout the country.There is nothing much in common between Aryans /Dravidians or Indians or Hindustanis as I call them and with you whining losers.
Each time I come across a North easterner, they always whine and complain, me and my mates had lots of fun in our university days, making a mizo chink clean our toilets, and drink our piss, we ragged him like hell, and the guy just farted out his frustrations against our nation in hand, its amazing how a little bit of pressure can bring out all the truth from their petty little brains.
Saturday, June 13, 2009 3:44:00 PM
Anonymous said...


India doesn’t need whining chinks like you, we just need your land to be the buffer zone , not you. We poured out crores of rupees into Mizoram every year, and what was the result? No industries, nothing. You are just leechers. Bunch of leechers, compare that with Gujarat or Punjab or other industrialized states , you havn’t done nothing.Lets move onto cultural issues, Mussies and their Arabian prophet has already done enough damage to our nation and its values, the last thing we need is a bunch of dope smoking, aids infested , half evolved nuts like you getting their garbage into our society, why ? What for ? When your *** problem came in Mizoram, you blamed our country for it, basically shows, you cannot handle challenges of nature properly, to do that you need a fully evolved intelligent brain, that your “tribe” doesn’t possess. You could have eaten the rats, but no, you went in , revolted, and created disturbance, the IAF bombing was necessary to show you, your pathetic little place in society and the world. Amazing how its brought you whining in all 4 paws down to your knees ? Now you want to “integrate” sure, the first rule of integration is, stop whining and complaining CHINK.A bunch of chinks perished whining, so in Mizoram in 1950s ? You can pack up and move across the border and live with a bunch of loosers in Myanmar and enjoy a summer of dope and sex, no one is stopping you, good riddance to bad rubbish.India has many other problems to deal with, our people have the need for clothing, food, education, security, there isn’t enough for handouts to your pathetic Mongolian tribe, if you need it, why not start a sex tourism industry like your chinks in eastern lands such as bali or Philippines or Thailand? You can mint a lot of money that way , that can keep your subhuman race satisfied.The amount of money and resources spend in trying to “maintain peace” in north east, could have been used to secure our northern borders, and deal with muslims, but no, its all being spend on north east, the solution? Complete extermination or complete expulsion of these insignificant and whining mizos.A good mizo is a dead mizo, period. We can do much better without gooks like you crawling into our cities, and leeching on our resources, and then whining on about how boo hoo we call you chinks. You know the word Chink has nothing negative, it clearly indicates, describes and establishes the truth about your people.
Your ugly aids infested wh0rish women and your ugly men, including your butt ugly face and nose, and eyes clearly deserve the word Chink.I can tell you one thing for sure, once we have dealt with the Muslim problem in India, you are next. And yeah, I am not the only one who believes in this, I have lots of friends, in multinationals, government and other areas who agree and share the same belief as me, that your people are a liability on our country, our resources and a clear evident antipode of our values and social culture.Do us all a favor kima, stop whining about your chinkiness, take your crap and complains and go hang yourself from your ceiling fan, I am sure you won’t be missed or even acknowledged as existed in India
If we meet you on the streets, man, we are gonna have lots of fun.

Oh on a final note, you may have “some” buddies from our so called “sickular” india, basically pathetic morons, or those who just don’t have enough backbone for their own country or culture, would bend backwards enough to kiss your dickless front.

Most of us, don’t care about your crappy people, hump thump and dump is what we do to your ugly gookish females, and bash, smash, and trash is what we do to shorties like you. But go to admit, you ain’t that much of a nuisance compared to piggy mohammed’s followers and the koranic trash they spew.

Ab Akal ayi kya?
With luv
Shiv Verma
Saturday, June 13, 2009 3:44:00 PM

Nicely worded by gentlemen who really loves and cares for India..think it completely stun me ,as it show he is not only stupid but very very racist...

What about Indian Studens handling reality of Australia? Whining Browny?..
This is what an Australian could say too
!! Its like Michael Jackson's Man in the Mirror if you want to make the world a better place take a look yourself and make a goes both ways!!


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